Explain the symbols nearest the following positions on the chartlet AUS 197 extract.

1.      33º 53'.8S     151º  15'.3E  

2.      33º  45'.2S    151º 15'.9E   

3.      33º  34'.1S  151º  16'.0E          

4.      33º  32'.4S    151º  22'.4E    

5.      33º  40'.4S    151º  20'.6E 

6.      33º  51'.4S    151º  20'.8E

7.      Explain the light sequence of North Head Light.

8.      What is the chart symbol where North Head Lt. bears 269°T and the depth is approximately 100M?

9.      Describe the nature of the foreshore between Hole in the Wall and Careel Head.

10.     In plotting a coastal passage from Port Jackson to Broken Bay, identify any coastal features that would require particular care in planning for distance off.


1.      33º 53'.8S     151º  15'.3E   =Tr 184m height

2.      33º  45'.2S    151º 15'.9E   = Hill 149m height

3.      33º  34'.1S  151º  16'.0E   =  10 m depth contour

4.      33º  32'.4S    151º  22'.4E   = West Reef rock area dangerous depth unknown

5.      33º  40'.4S    151º  20'.6E   =  Barangoey Lt Obscured

6.      33º  51'.4S    151º  20'.8E   = Wreck

7.      Explain the light sequence of North Head Light   = Iso G 2s 3M

8.      What is the chart symbol where North Head Lt. bears 269°T and the depth is approximately 100M?    =Sand Rock

9.      Describe the nature of the foreshore between Hole in the Wall and Careel Head.    = Cliffs and rock

10.     In plotting a coastal passage from Port Jackson to Broken Bay, identify any coastal features that would require particular care in planning for distance off. =  Long reef

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